Cap-free ISPs

Here’s a list of the ISPs that are known to be entirely or partially cap-free, listed in alphabetical order by technology. Note that not all services are available in all areas. Contact us if you know of any others. 🙂





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  1. Don’t forget They are a new WiMAX provider, and while they aren’t available in a lot of places yet, their service rocks, and they have unlimited data, no contract options. I consistently get 6 – 10MB/s, and they are WIRELESS. I travel between LA and NYC, and have found their customer service to be impeccable.

    • @Josh: Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll update this page 🙂

    • Be careful with Clearwire. If you go over a certain amount of data per day they reduce your speed dramatically, and deny it, and blame it on congestion. You will read lots of complaints about this on the forums and they’ve recently been sued over this so they might be behaving better now.

      • I’ve experienced this too. I used to have ClearWire, and it is terrible in northern CA. Slow speeds 1-2Mbs make even YouTube videos a struggle. Forget HD. 360p YouTube videos needed to buffer every 30 seconds. This was even without going over a certain amount. It was their normal service.

  2. I think that you should make it painfully aware that Comcast’s soft cap is horrible if you go over it more then once in a few months they ban you for a year or maybe more

    Still trying to find a good isp that is fast in nashville with no caps still looking…

    fios says att country blah blah
    timewarner says its comcast country.

    I really hate the lack of competition in these marks they allow companies to screw with consumers all the bloody time.

  3. Hi I am commenting again,

    Do you know of an ISP in Nashville area that does NOT have bandwidth caps for residential use?

  4. I tried out clear for the past 15 days what they start too do their is throttle during points of congestion and if you use what they would consider a lot of data they would put you on what they call level 2 where they cut your speed. With speeds about as slow as dial up to get some speed back they tell you to not use your internet connection for a day but I have got speeds has high as 2.0 and as low as .25 mbps when they put you on level 2 they throttle you to hell. I a half a mile from their tower.

    it was annoying during the fifteen days I only downloaded 45gbs they may have no data cap but they sure as hell do fuck with your internet connection. After I looked got the service I did research on the internet and found out that the shit they pulled was common. not recommended for primary ISP at all in anyway.

  5. clear actually has a lawsuit for not providing speeds promised. If you actually use the service.

    • Cable internet is seahrd with other users on the local loop , but a user CAN have constant speed, and many ISPs limit your modem to the service for which you are paying, even though the physical connection may be under utilized. Often, though, the ISPs over-sell the service and the result delivered is less than the maximum for your plan.DSL connections are not seahrd, but again your ISP may limit your speed to the service for which you are paying even though the connection may be able to go faster.

  6. checking out Juno Ultra DSL 100x next
    speeds are about 6 mb download and upload is 756kb

    they have no cap I have been told

    here is a link for a juno att dsl comparison

    • Thanks! Updated.

      • No problem actually the only Juno with any cap is their free dial up service that is ad supported. (10 hours) per month but no bandwidth caps… so its not just Ultra

        their speeds are for dsl anyway

        DSL Speedsaver 25X 1mbit Download speed
        DSL Pro 50X 3mb Download speed
        Ultra DSL 100x 6mb Download speed

        Also another provider you can put up is

        Earthlink their dsl is also has no cap they are linked to timewarner some how but I forgot but they have pretty much the same 3 speeds.

  7. the problem that you will get with both Earthlink and Juno DSL is that their dsl service is limited to only some areas even though their dial up is nation wide.


    there is the URL so you can add it for juno

  9. All you have to do is stop using the service….for a few months and they will listen….but no one has that kind of will power.

  10. I have read through the contract of Century Link and have not found any type of data caps at all on their DSL service!

    • Added. Thanks!

    • I have Centrylink and they do have 250GB cap. according to there noticice I some how used 1766Gb of usage in April. I had time warner befor in texas. now in Olympia WA. Time warner I had no problims with when it was up. there would be times when the network would go in and out in my area Killen TX but when it was up it ran great and no caps or notices ever

  11. Century Link has caps. It’s 150 Gigabytes for lower speed internet and 250 Gigabytes for higher speed internet. it’s in their excessive use policy.

  12. In South Eastern Indiana, Enhanced Telecommunication Corp. (ETC) has cap-free internet.

  13. dsl eastern ky no data caps

  14. Also there is Intermountain Cable in eastern ky, but good luck getting that hooked up. I canceled after 20 days of placing the order and having to call them repeatedly to come hook it up and they still never did. They literally have the worst customer service you could possibly imagine. They will lie to you about installation dates, tell you they will callback and dont, and they will just blatantly hang up on you when you are trying to order their service. They will do this repeatedly too, im still very shocked amazed at their total laziness. Their existence as a business baffles me. But i would still go with these guys over a company with data cap scam if i had no other choice. Im going with lightyearky.

  15. Comcast has started rolling our their “fair usage policies” in the Atlanta area, limiting all connection speeds to 300GB/month. Nothing like a monopoly to make sure everyone gets the best service. It’s a total sham.

  16. Clearwire is not cap free anymore (from my searches, contact me if im wrong) since Clear joined Sprint i can’t get anything that says cap free anywhere 🙁

  17. My friend and I just received an email from AT&T saying they are changing our internet service and they are sending new equipment that is free. Then saying we will meet or beat your current price for 1 year. Yeah and then stick it to us with supper high price.

    Well goodbye AT&T. Why should I pay $60+/mo. if I don’t even watch a single movie online. I am not going to pay a ridiculous fee I cannot afford so they can go ahead and use the money to pay their CEO multi million dollar salary and outsource their jobs to India while we need jobs here in AMERICA.
    F U AT&T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Google is now hosting their own ISP, Google Fiber
    Its is VERY Limited to
    Kansas City, KA
    Provo, UT

  19. For those of us too rural to receive Verizon FiOS, their other service does have caps. 10gb, 20gb, and 30gb a month caps, depending upon the plan. Very annoying, trying to find a company that services rural areas without capping the crap out of us while they shake us down. Ugh.

  20. In Pennsylvania there is an ISP called Windstream that has no caps.

  21. Atlas internet in Owasso Oklahoma has been expanding coverage and they have no cap and are line of site with pretty decent speeds 😛

  22. Need to take Comcast off. It has a 300GB cap no matter if you get their best service or their lowest. And if you use steaming such as Netflix you will eat that up in less than half a month. I use Netflix more than their streampix due to some of the exact same programs that are pay on streampix are Free on Netflix.

  23. TruCom provides a lot of services, such as phone systems and stuff, but they do have wireless coverage in AZ. There are no data caps, or throttles. Just a straight up service provider.

  24. Cincinnati Bell. Fioptics high speed internet via fiber to the home or fiber to the node depending on location. Available to 400,000 subscribers. No data caps.

  25. RCN does not have data caps in Lehigh Valley, PA. They are also in a few other cities.

  26. Quoting “Livvy 4011” on Google Reviews for InterMoutain Cable (Kentucky):
    “We had unlimited data internet and then get a bill saying we went over our data limit. So I go in and they say everyone got a letter saying it would be limited. But we never got one and everyone else I talked to about it said they didn’t get one either. And I asked if I could get the unlimited data internet service and they said they can’t offer that. Just anything to get more money from people.”

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